Articles | Volume 10, issue 11
Research article
02 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 02 Nov 2017

Replacing the AMOR with the miniDOAS in the ammonia monitoring network in the Netherlands

Augustinus J. C. Berkhout, Daan P. J. Swart, Hester Volten, Lou F. L. Gast, Marty Haaima, Hans Verboom, Guus Stefess, Theo Hafkenscheid, and Ronald Hoogerbrugge


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Short summary
One of the gases polluting the air that we measure in the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network is ammonia. We replaced the ageing instruments that we used for the past 20 years by the miniDOAS, an instrument that uses ultraviolet light to measure ammonia. We operated the old and new instruments side by side for more than a year and found them to agree well. The miniDOAS measures faster than the old instrument; this will give us more insight in how ammonia behaves in the atmosphere.