Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
Research article
23 Feb 2018
Research article |  | 23 Feb 2018

The CHRONOS mission: capability for sub-hourly synoptic observations of carbon monoxide and methane to quantify emissions and transport of air pollution

David P. Edwards, Helen M. Worden, Doreen Neil, Gene Francis, Tim Valle, and Avelino F. Arellano Jr.

Data sets

MOPITT/Terra Level 2 CO vertical profiles derived from Near and Thermal Infrared Radiances, version 7 MOPITT Science Team

Short summary
The CHRONOS space mission would provide observations for emissions and transport studies of the highly uncertain air pollutants carbon monoxide and methane, with sub-hourly revisit at fine horizontal spatial resolution across North America. CHRONOS uses an imaging gas filter correlation radiometer hosted in geostationary orbit. CHRONOS' capability for monitoring evolving, or unanticipated, air pollution sources would find societal applications for air quality management and forecasting.