Articles | Volume 12, issue 5
Research article
08 May 2019
Research article |  | 08 May 2019

Aging aerosol in a well-mixed continuous-flow tank reactor: an introduction of the activation time distribution

Franz Friebel and Amewu A. Mensah

Data sets

Aging aerosol in a well-mixed continuous flow tank reactor: An introduction of the activation time distribution F. Friebel and Amewu A. Mensah

Short summary
Simulating atmospheric aging processes in the laboratory under atmospheric conditions is a challenging task. The main obstacle is achieving long observation times with a reasonable amount of technical and financial input. We adapted the concept of the continuous-flow stirred tank reactor in order to achieve long observation times (up to 16 h) in small chamber volumes (3m3). We successfully tested this concept by oxidation of soot particles with ozone.