Articles | Volume 12, issue 7
Research article
12 Jul 2019
Research article |  | 12 Jul 2019

Method to retrieve cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations using lidar measurements

Wangshu Tan, Gang Zhao, Yingli Yu, Chengcai Li, Jian Li, Ling Kang, Tong Zhu, and Chunsheng Zhao

Data sets

Dataset for "Method to retrieve cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations using lidar measurements" W. Tan, G. Zhao, Y. Yu, C. Li, J. Li, L. Kang, T. Zhu, and C. Zhao

Short summary
A new method to retrieve CCN number concentrations using multiwavelength Raman lidars is proposed. The method implements hygroscopic enhancements of backscatter and extinction with relative humidity to represent particle hygroscopicity. The retrieved CCN number concentrations are in good agreement with theoretical calculated values. Sensitivity tests indicate that retrieval error in CCN arises mostly from uncertainties in extinction coefficients and RH profiles.